Baking Ingredients

9 things I’ve learned about baking (the hard way)

I've been through a bit of a baking phase recently. I've always considered baking and cooking to be synonymous with one another, but I know a lot of folks don't feel that way and have a preference for one over the other. While the two have their similarities, I've found that baking is more of an … Continue reading 9 things I’ve learned about baking (the hard way)

Kitchen Equipment

We need to talk about… kitchen essentials

When it comes to buying stuff, most of us have a weakness. I have some friends who have a real weakness for books, others can't help buying handbags, and some of my friends have to purposefully avoid the Lego store because temptation proves too much. For the longest time, DVDs were my shopping Achilles heel, … Continue reading We need to talk about… kitchen essentials